Technology doesn’t have to be complicated; it just needs to serve a specific purpose. Here are 5 of my go to technologies I use in every rehearsal.
1. Tonal Energy - Iphone App
Fully-featured. There’s not a lot that this app can’t do.
The tuner features a choice of several types of temperaments, along with the option to create new ones.
Three different skill levels give a range of what is considered “in-tune”.
The pitch pipe features a lot of different sounds. Not just different waveforms (square, saw, etc.) but also different instruments, along with automatic transpositions when you select a transposing instrument.
Three different pitch pipe screens – a chromatic circle, guitar strings, or a piano keyboard.
The metronome features just about every subdivision and time signature you’ll need.
Analysis screen can show either a waveform or the harmonic content of the note you are playing, along with a pitch plot that shows your intonation over time.
The recorder is simple (compared to the other app features), but functional.
It’s fun to watch your students attempt to keep the green smiley face on the screen...
2. Sight Reading Factory
Web based, music generator. The user provides the program with certain musical parameters and clicks a button. After processing the request for a moment, the site, created with all original computer programming code, returns clearly notated eight (or more) bar phrases of custom-made music ready for reading. After completing that line of music, the user simply clicks "another one," and within seconds, a new phrase of music appears. The engine that drives the site will create an infinite number of unique examples on demand. I use this every day with all my ensembles and in some lessons. If I need to target a specific rhythm, note duration, pitch sequence, ANYTHING, this is the tool that I use. I also use it to sight read, but it’s so much more than that…
3. Rock Beat Patterns - YouTube
Because warming up with all your major scales is WAY more fun with a rock beat playing to accompany you.
4. Rehearsal Timers - YouTube
Because sometimes you need someone else to watch the clock for you. I start every rehearsal with a countdown timer. Kids know that when the times reaches 0, we will start our warm-up routine. Both the rehearsal timer and the rock beat patterns are on the same google slide show so they can be easily toggled between.
5. Metronome(s)
Yes. Plural. TonalEnergy has a metronome that I use during lessons, because it is really easy to switch between tuning mode and metronome mode. I’ve used Google Metronome in class when my computer is plugged into the stereo system and projector. But, good ole’ Dr. Beat is my go to. That ear piercing ping doesn’t allow you to waiver.