Officially done with 4 weeks of homeschooling Sophie. I'm not sure if she has learned anything new, but I don't think she has forgotten "worse". We haven't been doing much writing, so I think that is going to be our focus for the next few weeks. We go to her school on Monday and pick up a bunch of new material.
This week has been tough. The weather has been so nice randomly, that getting outside and running around has been our focus. Rain is expected this weekend starting around noon today, so we are going to do some outside chores before that starts.
We got a new roof on Thursday. It was really difficult to get anything done with all of the noise, but we tried our best.
In math the past 2 days, we're learning about greater than, less than and equal to. I'm struggling to teach Sophie math because the way kids are taught math now is whack. Just solve the darn equation. Lines, circles, cubes, colors, blah blah blah. Just solve the darn equation.
We found out this week that Sophie is really absorbing what is happening in the world. While I cook dinner, I often have CNN on, what used to be the White House press briefings. I want to continue to stay informed and I like the noise while I cook. Sophie was playing with her stuffed animals yesterday, and set up an animal hospital. She wrote a sign and stuck it to her bedroom door that read, "No hospitil beds". She was running around from patient to patient giving shots (she calls them pokeys) and medicine. One of her animals even went to heaven. I was shocked. I had no idea that she knew THIS much. We talked about the virus, and why we couldn't be in school, but we do not talk about everything else. The other things she must be absorbing from news coverage. Sophie is a smart little girl, and has a better understanding of the world than most 7 year olds. I need to be more aware of the amount of news I watch while she is around. Maybe news watching will be after she goes to bed. I definitely don't want to shield her from what is happening, but I don't want to frighten her either. She isn't to that point yet, but I don't want her to worry. If any of us actually contract COVID-19, I don't want her to be scared. Careful little eyes what you see. Careful little ears what you hear.
I think the goal over this weekend is to check on somebody new. Friends, colleagues, family, neighbors, students. Just because we don't hear from them doesn't mean they are okay. Love deeper this time in our lives. It's also okay to not be okay.
Much love.
Steph Williamson